Garlic Mustard Pulling Party

Garlic Mustard Pulling Party
Saturday, April 30th 2022
Tennis Courts on Conant Dr

Rain Date: Saturday, May 7th, 12:00 pm

Garlic Mustard is an invasive weed that has gotten a foothold in Harvard Acres. It crowds out native species, outcompeting for moisture, sunlight, and vital nutrients. It can weaken and even destroy an entire ecosystem. We must eradicate this noxious weed! The best way to eradicate Garlic Mustard is to pull it by hand, so let’s make it a party! Everyone, including kids, is welcome. This will be a great opportunity to improve the local ecosystem, teach children about the environment, and have some fun while socializing with neighbors. Please meet at the tennis courts on Conant Drive at Noon. Bring gloves, long pants, and long sleeves.

Refreshments will be provided! Now is also great time to look for this invasive plant in your yard, before native plants sprout. It is still easy to identify without flowers.

You learn more about Garlic Mustard on the following page courtesy of the Town of Concord: